- alternating load
- alternating method
- alternating motion
- alternating operation
- alternating product
- alternating tension
- alternating tensor
- alternation
- alternative
- alternative analysis
- alternative attribute
- alternative console
- alternative cylinder
- alternative denial
- alternative group
- alternative hypothesis
- alternative line
- alternative polynomial
- alternative ring
- alternative sector
- alternative table
- alternative track
- alternator
- alterne
- altitude
- altitude delay
- altitude signal
- aluminite
- amalgamated
- amalgamated subgroup
- amber
- ambient
- ambient condition
- ambient conditions
- ambiguity
- ambiguous point
- ambiguous retrieval
- ambiguous search
- ambiguousness
- AMD-K6
- AMD-K7
- amiga
- amortization
- ample
- amplifier
- amplitude adder
- amplitude balance
- amplitude comparator
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude modulator
- amplitude response
- amplitude separation
- amplitude separator
- analagmatic curve
- analagmatic surface
- analog board
- analog calculation
- analog communications
- analog computer
- analog data
- analog divider
- analog form
- analog input
- analog line
- analog link
- analog multiplexer
- analog multiplier
- analog port
- analog representation
- analog variable
- analog video
- analogue correlator
- analogue data
- analogue multiplier
- analysable
- analysis situs
- analyst
- analytic branch
- analytic curve
- analytic demonstration
- analytic extension
- analytic manifold
- analytic set
- analytic structure
- analytic transformation
- analytical mechanics
- analytical method
- anamorphic
- ancestor
- ancestral file
- anchor capstan
- anchored graphics
- AND element
- AND relationship
- angle osculation
- angular coordinate
- angular domain
- animation
- anisotropic
- annual